Still enjoying the challenge and I love how my place is coming together more quickly! But as you can see from the post below I'm too busy to say much more. :)
At least I finished the sweater and their hooded towels!
This is the most challenging thing I've completed (not the most challenging thing I've started). The challenge was that I did not have a pattern. I started it with a Chilean, she I then I was getting guidance from a master knitter (it is an official title), I then I was on my own. I'm so glad I buckled down and forced myself to get through it! Simon has told me several times that he really likes the "different color sweater" but it is pretty big on him. I did that on purpose because I didn't want it to be too small when I finally finished. I'm touched that he likes it considering there are no animals on it. I was going to look for animal buttons, but I turned to Cami's stash instead.
Simon insisted on holding that "fire gun." For the ears I cut 2 pieces shaped like ears and sewed them together. Then I made a seam in the middle of the hood and sewed them in. I'm so glad it worked out cause I was winging it. If you want more specific instructions I can take closer pictures.

Time to get busy!
Time to get busy!